Thursday, July 30, 2009

When you wish upon a star.....

ok so we all have dreams right? & i think we've all wished upon a star.... but what if this one specail star could make any dream come true!!! What would you wish for???



i don't think many people notice how amazing color is! I mean the world would be so boaring without color, God has made such an amazing gift for us! I mean everyone has a favorite color! speaking of favorite colors whats yours? Ok so anyways i mean everything we do has color in it! art would be sooooo super duper boaring without color! the world be so sad if color wasn't around!! THANKS GOD!!!! i love color it makes life interesting and fun! :) Do you like the picture?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


omg so last night i spent the night at aprylls house and went swimming with corey landon and morgan<333 then today (wednesday) i went to the beach for 4 hours and a half... and apryll and i stayed in the water for freakin 4 hours straight!!! right now my eyes r freakin killing me (you have no idea) ahhh they hurt so bad.... oh and i also got burnt :( CRAP!!!! ugh!!! but anyways after that then i went to deep end and went swimming for an hour and a half sheesh i am pooped!!! but at the deep end i kept getting dunked by hannah and anna!!! and i could hardly breath for a while! (which sucked) but anyways.... over all my day was amazing and super duper tiring!!! but whatever!!! oh and at deep end hannah and anna kept sticking there big toe into ther mouths (it was nasty) but really funny to watch!! haha those weirdos!!! love you all! thanks for reading!! what did you do on wednesday?

Monday, July 27, 2009


do you ever want time to go slower? or let it go way faster? what if you could control time what would you go back and redue or relive, or what would you go faster in time(like what would you want to find out about yourself)? Time is something to think about! Use your time wisely... because you might not have much more time! Time is such a gift from God!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Have you ever felt the feeling of just wanting to escape and leave life and soar across the shiney skys... feel the breez through your hair while the sun is shining down on you just soring.... ever wanting to fly above the sea's and touch the water going between your fingers! Have you ever wanted to sore above buildings.. and see people in amazed by you up in the sky SOARING! have you ever felt that?

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Looking through a lence of a camera makes me see the world through a totally different eye.. you can capture moments that you would never capture by just looking... I love that fact it can totally just freeze a moment and make the memorie last forever!


so on thursday anna maddie and i went to the beach with the jr.high and high school group but even though we were only there for an hour and a half i had a blast with those 2 amazing girlies<333 But after that we drove in the car for a long time and arrived at maddies house and swam forever loL! I can do a toe touch ok lol..... but anyways then after that we goofed off and had fun... but one of the funniest parts of the sleep over was we TOLIET PAPERED!!! and we got them good... haha! (oh and by the way the sleep over is with the 8th grade girl Bible study WOOT WOOT) but anyways after that we came back watched what a girl wants... then maddie anna and i stayed up until 5:30 or so... I AM SO TIRED!!!! but over all the night was really fun!! :) what did you do on thursday and friday?

<333maddie & anna<333

Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's ok! :'(

It's ok to cry!!! I cry all the time! Sometimes emotions can't be handled and you just got to get it out! Death, friendships, love, hope, judgment, life, dreams crushed, hope gone, left out, family, friends! Can all be such hard things, but can be such blessings at the same time! I cry all the time, horrible things have happend to me and my family and you know what even when God was there i cried and was lost without no hope! I sometimes feel like God is never there to listen, or no one cares, or understands!! But you know what God is there and it's ok to cry! God wants us to show our emotions!!! SO JUST CRY!!! OPEN UP!!! Sometimes you need to cry... life can't be all fun and laughs, sometimes life is struggles, hearts broken, feeling alone in something, not knowing what to do, feeling so guilty or sinnful, not being understood! I have felt so much in my life, and i found out the more you cry the better you feel!! Let those tears drip out! It's ok to think about what hurts you most!!!

Love you all, if you ever need a friend i am here for you!!!! HANG IN THERE!!!!

My amazing day with madzzz<33

ok so on wednesday i went to deep end and had a pretty darn good time, even though i was visiting aunt flow!!! u can ask what aunt flow is if ur curious haha!!! But anyways it was funn :) then i spent the night at maddies house and we talked FOREVER and laughed and were crazy like we always are haha..... Then after that we woke up early because we were planning on going to disc golf but that didnt work out... so then we went to the mall and had funn :) then we just hungout talked and laughed after that!!! also maddie did this really halarious dance on her bed it was sooooooo funny! Oh and for some weird reason i smell summer love in the air (and i have no clue why, but i do) ;PPPPP haha i am so weird!!! loL!!!! but anyways to make a long story short it was funnn :)

I love you maddeline grace martin haha!!!

and you know what YOUR A NERD (I KNOW) haha!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


why do people gossip? i mean seriously... it's stupid! I do it sometimes (i have been trying real hard not to though) But it's really stupid when you think about it because the only reason people gossip is to build thereselfs up, and make themself look good! So why don't you just say how awesome you are instead of taring some 1 down with words! IT'S STUPID!!!! i mean and it really hurts when people say stuff that is not even true but so mean, i mean even if it's true that doesn't mean you half to say it! They think there better then the person they gossip about, but in reality they just lowered thereself down to the level of the person that there gossiping about! IT'S SAD!!! why do people gossip? UGH! It's so annoying! oh and did i mention it's STUPID! and i hate when people say oh i never gossip i'm not that mean but then you see them gossip like 2 secs after they say that! & what really ticks me off is a person that says i hate when people try to get into my business, and they get into my business SOOOOOOO MUCH! UGH! SO ANNOYING! there issue, if your that pathetic then it's not worth talking to that person! So don't exspect me to answer your texts, calls, e-mails or anything! SHUT UP YOU GOSSIPERS!


another imagination post!

Ok since my other imagination post was so liked and talked up fun stuff! Well this is just like it but still different instead of your reality imagination! This imagination post is about your totally made up imagination.... like your imagination that makes up something out of this world... impossible to happen, the weirdest coolest ideas thoughts made up lands, fairy tails, dreams, OUT OF THIS WORLD! totally made up nothing real! all made up and totally all of your imagination! No reality all out of this world haha!

I love our imaginations!<333>

So tell me were would your imagination take you that is totally out of this world?

music is medicine!

Music is medicine to the soul! Nothing can heal you better then a touching song! The lyrics, the hidden meaing, the beat, is all i live for! Music! I think life without music, is like life without a heart! MUSIC IS MEDICINE TO THE HEART!!!!

you belong with me!

your on the phone with girlfriend, she's upset she's going off about something that you said, but she doesn't get your humor like i do! I'm in my room it's a tipicall tuesday night, i am listening to the type of music that she doesnt like! but she'll never know your story like i do! But she wears shorts skirts, i wear t-shirts! She's cheer captin, and i'm on the bleachers! Dreaming about the day when you wake up find that your looking for has been here the hole time! If you could see that i am one that who understands you, been here all along! So why can't you see, you belong with me? you belong with me!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Fly with me!

we light up the sky tonight! I see the world through your eyes! Leave it all behind! If it's you me forever, if it's you me right now i'll be all right, i'll be all right! So wont you fly with me? You got to fly with me now! To give all i can, to believe once again! If it's you and me forever, if its you and me right now i'll be all right, i'll be all right! So wont you fly with me? Maybe your afraid, knowing you were miles away, from the place were you needed to be, and thats right here with me! It's you and me forever, you and me right now i'd be all right! So wont you fly with me? If it's you me and forever, if its you and me right now! I'd be all right! So wont you fly, fly, fly, fly with me?


Do you ever get that feeling, that feeling of being alone? Of everyone else knows that you feel alone but they dont care! Do you ever feel that feeling of the outsider? that know one even notices you? No one even cares? That feeling of being alone... I have had that feeling, but then yet again i have seen that feeling in many people! I want to say something, to stand up for whats right! STOP leaving people out! whoever it is! If you have felt the feeling of being alone in something, then you know how that outsider feels! Why the heck do we let it happen to others, If we know how bad it feels? STOP!

150 blogs

My goal is to make 150 blogs by the end of the year! Savannah had the idea i am stealing it from her and doing with her! Hopefully i can do it :) i think i can i seem to write a lot! wish me luck! haha!! :)

What can....

Work on? Seriously please let me know what i can work on.... I can never change what you dislike about me if you don't tell me what i need to work on :) oh and p.s. i wont get my feelings hurt haha!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bring color!

Bring light into a dark world!!! Be the one to stand out! Don't be the one to fit into the puzzle! Pop out be the odd one! ****Shine****!!!!!

what would you want?

hey people i had this idea while i was board haha.... so ya anyways what do you want me to blog about?



Sometimes i just want to go away from the world i want to wonder in my imagination.... go places.... exsplore new things....dream bigger then ever....imagine life as a brand new thing.... sore across skys....climb mountains that never end.... swim in dreamy cold sunsets then fall asleep right as they go down.... dream under be different... in my imagination anything is possible.... any color, light, smile, jump, flight is possible... i want to go to my imagination... and all day just wonder in my imagination!


Does anyone read my blog? if so please comment!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


why do people hurt me? it's so sad how people half to be mean or say things that hurt.... i mean its not like i haven't done it before but at least i take the time to say sorry!! But my life has been nothing but hard hard hard hard and know one even takes time out of there selfish life to ask some one how are you? or can i pray for you? or just an encouragment or a i'm here for you! those things can cure a broken heart.... but no one seems to care about my heart!

be happy... but how?

How am i suppoce to be happy 24/7? i dont think any 1 can do that.... everyone exspects me to be perfect and do everything right! well news flash I MAKE MISTAKES! i can't always be happy! I mean i want to be but life doesn't really work that way! sorry just felt like writing that..... people r like supriced or mad at me when i make a mistake but i dont judge them when they make mistakes! Why do i half to be put under all this pressure? it's no fair at all... But life isn't fair i know that, i just wish life was a little more fair!

no one....

comments on my blog...... :( how sad.....


i feel so yucky i am having bad cramps and i had to take medicine i almost threw up........ and all i want to do is stay home and sleep! YUCK :( this sucks

Friday, July 17, 2009

Vally party!!!<333

So.... today was fun i went to kyler house for 4 hours did a water war.... jumped.... danced..... goofed off... and laughed! Grayce baily kyler and rhett were there i love them all so much!<3333 there so amazing... haha but sometimes the boys can get moody which is really funny to me! But ya it was really fun! I love them haha!!!! Plus kyler is like my bestie and he was so fun today but then we would get out of hand but i would get him back on track haha<333 Love grayce and baily so much there so funny and cute i can always go to them with anything<333 oh and my rhett boy haha love him to he's a dork but i am to so what the heck<33 Also kyler yonger brother clay he's my boyfriend he even agreed with me haha!!!!! but he's got options as he says lol!!!! :)

but over all great day! but not mother nature i hate mother nature so much you dont even know... haha! But how was ur friday?

Mother Nature sucks!

Ok so all you girls know what i mean by mother natures gift! well it happens every month which really suck i have had 1 all ready but now here goes the 2nd...... This sucks! And i am super heavy!!!!! YUCK!!!!! :(

Fixed feelings.....AHHHHH!

Crazynesssssss is happening to me! So there are these 2 amazing boys that like me a lot right now..... & i don't like them :( But yet there really sweet and both love the Lord! grrrrr to boys!!!!!! i mean come on it was easier when guys didn't like me!!!!! But i will live of corse! In time they will move on! But it's kinda hard on me!!!! Then when people find out they like me they mess with me and all that embarrassing stuff... but i cant blame them for that or get mad at them for that because i do that all the time to my friends lol! Oh and if u know who the 2 guys r don't say anything i am just blogging about how i feel.... not going to give any info!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Oh and i forgot to add something 2 my post right beneathe this 1!

Also i mean we all say we love each other! But when u have really reall close friends that like say i love u and do nothing to show it thats what i mean!

Do you ever....

Get this feeling that people our pretending? Like they will tell you they love you then be mean or go behind your back.... or just not invite you! Do you get that? I mean sometimes i feel like people say 1 thing to me and do the exsact opposite when i'm gone or not listening or watching me! Idk i just feel like people got to be real 24/7! Like if they say they love me show me it!

Do you get what i'm saying? or agree? or ever felt that?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My amazingly fun wednesday with hannah morris and maddie martin<333

Ok so today was really sooooo much fun :) So i went over to maddies house with hannah and hungout ate mac n cheese watermellon pizzzzzaaa lolz were such pigs!!!<333 then we went swimming for about 2 hours before v-ball... which by the way v-ball camp was extremely funnnnnn today we played queen of the cort and of corse hannah maddie and i got put on the same team :) we rock lolz!! well they do but not me.... and then on the way to deep end from v-ball was really fun cuz me hannah maddie and taylor and emily m were all singing our hearts out to hannah montana songs then we started making up christain cheezy lyrics to them it was pretty darn funny!!! then after that we rushed to wednesday night church swimming at maddies which was really fun as well! A lot of jumping off the rocks into the pool and laughing! SO FUN! I love those 2 girlies<333

what did you do wednesday? :)

New blog song!

So just to let you know i don't like the jonas brothers at all and i dont like there music as well! But i like just 1 of there songs its called fly with me! And its my blog song now! check it out<3

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


So i am leaving vally :( But i am super duper excited for heights!!!! I can't wait the girlies at heights are amazing and i love them so much!<3333 I am nervous as well i mean going to a new school in 8th grade is a little nerve racking! But i have my friends so i am sure i will be ok! So as most of you know i have dyslexia very badly! I have gone to many specailest and they have all said i have the worst case of it that they have seen! Which has been very hard for me school wise... But i have God with me and thats all i need to push on! If you don't know what dyslexia feel free to ask me and i will tell you more! I am very blessed by God that he has done a miracle on my learning! It totally proves to me that God is all powerfull! So anyways about heights lol.... It seems like so much! And the one girl that i was scared of that went there she isn't coming back next year so thats good for me :) I am going to try my hardest to make jv v-ball at heights but we'll see how that goes.... If only jr.high's had a tennis team then i know for sure i would make varsiety on that lolz! But they don't :(

Thanks for reading<33333

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sorry i haven't wrote!

so i haven't wrote in a while sorry! So yesturday apryll and i hungout and had a blast! Today i went to aprylls house and painted shirts!!! I love her puppies so much! Today i went to v-ball camp supriced not only hannah morris maddie and yoshi did it with me but taylor, emily, and some girls from vally that are yonger then me! Phew did i swet! But it was a lot of fun! I love all of ya!! :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Reach for the sun.....

This picture that i found means a lot to me! First it tells me to reach for my dreams no matter how impossible they are or how far away they are! It also shows me in a black and white world to the the light color and stand out from the rest! It also shows me i dont need to be like anyone i can just be me and be ok with that! This girl standing in in the picture reaching for the sun is me reaching for my dreams! <3333

Thanks for reading!

What do you think?

so do you like my blog? I want to know what you think :) what do you think i can improve? <3333333 love you for checking out my blog!

bree bree, beach, and apryll, oh and plus a amazing play!<3333

Bree bree and i hungout on thursday and she spent the night! we took pics and a video which r really cute! you should all check out the pics on fb! :) Ok and then bree and I went to the beach with apryll! The waves were killer CRAZY! But i got tanner yay :) I just need to get more of a tan now! Since i am basically a tone of snow lol! But then apryll spent the night after the beach that was real fun! Courtney my sis had her 2 bff's spending the night to which was interesting..... But anyways apryll and I put on a dance play thing on for them which was really cool! :) and they did this weird acting OK? haha! But then we played this weird came with circus charictures it was kinda stupid! But then we did something fun we played this judging game its kinda like american idol but there r 2 judges and 3 contestants! But then at the end my sis had to ruin it but whatever she does that a lot! I am used to it by now! But now it's a new day and new things!!! :)

how did ur thurs, fri, and sat go?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bree and my song<3

ok so my blog song love today by mika! haha its mine and bree's song we love it ahhhhhhh <33333333 we go nuts and crazyness comes upon us when we hear the sweet sound of high pitched men singing lol!!! check out!



so thanks so much to savannah for telling me i should blog and get one! :) Oh and the song by marina and the diamonds song i am not a robot totally wouln't have known about them unless savannah so thank you savannah! Check out her blog (it's better then mine) lol but thanks! sorry if it came across as me copying! wasn't trying 2!

Tennis, and of corse my day lol!

So today i woke up freakin early It's summer here peoples! But anyways i woke up at 7 grrrrr to go play tennis with my tennis thingy mabogger! lol! but i am not really into my team thing this year as much as i have been the years before! But i am still really loving tennis i mean i love playing with my dad its so fun and challenging!!! :)

So today i am having bree bree my bestie over to spend the night i cant wait! we havent seen each other the hole summer :( Then tomorrow my church besties and now school besties are going to the beach with bree bree and i cant wait its gonna be so much fun!!! :) <33333

What are you doing today?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Wenezzzzzday with madzzzz! :P

so... today i went over to maddies house and talked and hungout! :) then me and her went to CVS and got make up :) Then we had some rite aid ice cream yum! lolz..... and then took piczzz and wasted time! haha! Oh and then the amazing cute PUPPIES CAME! omg i loveeeee themmmmmm :)))))) <33333333333 I just love them so much there to cute :)))) <333xoxoxoxo Oh i have pics of them (which by the way you should check out on facebook) Ok so then after that we went to deep end with the church.... me and maddie and emily taylor didn't swim (they had good reasons) but i just didnt swim for no reason lolz! But i had funnnn :)

So anyways what did you do wed?

Tennis tomorrow at 8am ugh but its funnn!

And then tomorrow bree bree my bestie is spending the night and then on friday going to the beach with some church friends and bree bree!! :) love that girl! Can't wait! super excited!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So i have been playing tennis since i was 4! And doing this camp every summer since i was 8! But this is my last year! Happy its my last year but very sad at the same time! Hopefully in high school i'll get to play! :) Alll 3 of my close friends that did tennis the years with me aren't doing it my last year :( but i'll make new friends!

My Monday!

so on monday i had apryll over there were a lot of tears and laughs! Tears because we were in a fight and talking about some really hard things going on in our lives! Laughs because we got over our fight and just had a bunch of fun! :)
Then after that we walked to starbucks and got strawberrys and cream! YUM! haha! then from there we walked to my moms work she drove us home we had a steak dinner.
Then we dropped apryll of at her house and we got to see her dog lady's puppys!!! THEY WERE SOOOOOO CUTE! <3 i just wanted to take them home! xoxoxoxoxo

Sunday, July 5, 2009



If you know me well you know that i have had some drama in my life! With friends i hate it! With family i hate it as well. I think God makes all drama for people to grow stronger in God! Sometimes i don't understand why he does certain things but i understand he loves me! & to understand he loves me isn't that enough to live? To know God is there and listening and wanting you every minute all the time! Isn't it enough! to read the Bible and feel him inside you and want to tell everyone about him! Shouldn't you at least give God some time in your day because isn't He the one that created you? i mean we give time for bad music, friends that backstab you, T.V. that makes us feel not as good! God loves you and wants you every single minute! HE MADE US! shouldn't we at least want to talk to him? Shouldn't we at least want to be as close to God as possible? God is our creature and yet me cuss his name, or do everything in our power to disobey him! WHY?


You should get it!

Ok so you should get a cell phone if you don't have one and then we can text :)
Oh and then you should get a twitter and follow me and i will follow you back!
Also get a facebook you need that too!
OH and most of all GET A BLOG!
Whoever reads my blogs thanks so much i really like you doing that it mean you care just a little about me! <3

I blog to much!

haha so if you have noticed yet i blog all the time! I guess i just love writing! haha! so i have this thing were i have great ideas and words and songs and all that stuff! But the problem is i try really hard to write them down but once i pick up the paper they escape me ugh :( It's kinda sad! But i guess thats how life goes!
But enough about me people!! I want to talk about you! GET A BLOG! that way i can check out all this amazing stuff going through your mind and ideas! I love looking at what people half to say!
For you people that like to write a blog is perfect for you! It doesn't even cost money you just sign up and start writing!!! PLEASE DO IT FOR ME! <3

An amazing video!

Pleeeez check out this video it's amazing totally speaks out to me! Listen to the words!! It's totally inspiring to me! YOU HALF TO WATCH IT!!!


My answers!

So everyone asks me questions and here is were you can find all the answersm, unless you have a diff question that i haven't answered then just txt me :)

Do i like some 1 other then zac efron? NO! not lying!

Who is my best best friend ever? I can't pick one i a few!

Favorite color? A deep purple

Favorite food? This is to hard to answer i love a lot of diff foods!

What School do i go to? Well i did go to vally, but now i am going to heights this year!

Favorite holiday? CHRISTMAS!

Favorite season? SUMMER!!!!!!

Passion? My Lord!

What do I want to do when i grow up? Be an actris, realistic teacher!

Favorite hangout? BEACH! <3

Other passions other then my LORD? friends, behind a camera, singing, acting, dancing, tennis, writing, drawing my feelings, music! :) I have more but i just thought of some off the top of my head!

if you have any other questions i will answer them just text me or message me :)

I'm here!

Ok so i just wanted to tell everyone who takes time to look at my blog that if you are going through a hard time or struggling with something! I am here to help you or just be a friend that you can cry on! I love helping people i belive God put me on this earth to make a difference in peoples lives by helping them! I am hear to keep a secret and support anyone that wants it! I also am an advice giver! I have also gone through so many sad terrible things in my life so i also can feel pain! I'll cry with you and laugh with you! I'll get mad with you I'll get joyfull with you! You can always trust me! I am here for you! No matter who it is if your going through a hard time and don't know who to go to i am always just a phone call, text, e-mail, facebook, twitter, hangout away! <3

youtube video!
Check out this halarious video that my cousin cody showed me! haha LOVE IT!

sammy wammy!

So on thursday i had my friend Samantha Meyer come over it was pretty fun!

We took picz and laughed to inside jokes! Like the aladian song lolz and FO SHO BUDY!!! lolz! (u wouldnt get any of those) But anyways it was pretty fun!

Ok so lets get a little backround on sammy!

We met in 3rd grade at a park! Then she went to my homeschool whne we were both homeschooled! We became besties! But last summer we got into a MAJOR fight and stopped being friends! Just recently we both made a choice to move on and realized we were both being stupid! So now were back to friends but i dont think we'll ever be besties! :)

washed my doggies!

So today i went to church and had an ok time! The message wasn't anything specail! Had some fun with Hannah and anna for sure! After church we went to costco and ate pizza and a smoothie yum :) & after that i went home and my mom sis and I washed my dogs! My dogs names our nelly and darcy! THERE BIG, BIGGER THEN ME!!!!! Thye needed a little bath so we gave them one in the backyard! I held the hose and watered them off and my sis held them with a leash my mom did the shampoo job! So now there clean and happy!
Do you have dogs or dog? If so what our there names or name?

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Ok so HAPPY 4TH OF JULY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to La Habra high school for a firework show! It was pretty cool!

What did you do?

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOPE YOU HAD AN AMAZING DAY!!!!!!!!! <3

Just some little sayings and stuff.. just me writing...

oh 1st of all i'd like to say thxs so savannah for telling me to get a blog! THANKS!

I couldn't live without music the lyrics, the beat, the hidden meaning, the feelings it can bring out of a person! I am so greatful to amazing artists that make these amazing songs!

Philippians 4:13For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need.

Mathew 6:34Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring it's own worries. Each day has enough trouble of it's own.

1 Thessalonians 5:18Give thanks in all circumstances, For this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus!

Psalm 56:3When I am afraid, I will trust in you.

Do not think of the worst possible thing. Because, He loves you, And he's working in you. Instead, say.... "I trust in you, Lord. I trust in You always." Do not question the Lord in these circumstances. He has planned out this day. Instead say... "I trust in You, Lord. I trust in You always." My God, I love You! You will take care of everything about me. I trust in you always.

I wrote that little saying when i was little! These verses really helped me growing up... and still help me so much! :)Thanks for whoever took time to read this!

The sun is up the sky is blue it's buetiful and so are you! Open up your eyes! See the sunny sky!Wont you open up your eyes!Look a around, look a around, look a around! The sun is up and the sky is blue it's buetiful and so are you!

Because the world is round it turns me around!Because the wind is high it blows my mind!Love old love is new!Because the sky blue it makes cry!

Dear God its me again down here!I'm lost!Sometimes Your so unclear!I'm feeling so far from you!The weight of world has pushed me to the wall!I surrender! Come take me!I want to start againg!Open my broken heart!I reached the end, and Your the way to begin!I've seen a million of empty smiles! I don't want to live like that!I am breaking i am aching for something buetiful!

No one told me the right way the right way go about this.So i'll figure it out for myself!Cause how much is to much to give you!I may never no so i'll give until there's nothing left!No one told me how bad i need you!But i somehow arrived at the conclusion all by myself!And i want all you have to offer!So i'll offer myself and i'll give until there's nothing left i'll give!

These are some lyrics from songs that really touched me :)
The picture you see on top i took in washington while i was on vacation! I love Gods amazing creations!

Zacky poo!

So as you know i am married to zac efron <3
i am in love with my husband! He is so hot and i loveeee him!!! ahhhhh!
ok so i am not actshully married to him but i wish i was! I havent met him yet but thats one of my dreams! He's such a great actor and singer and dancer! And i just love everything about him but not that he is dating that stupid idiot vanessa! YUCK! gurrrr! haha!


Bree Bree-She's basically my bestie at school! So amazing! She's got the best personality she can always make me laugh even if i am pissed! She's super smart so if i am not understanding something in school i know were to go lol! She hates drama just like me! She is super duper funny and so fun! She's so cute! I love that girl! We have definitely had our fights, but we always stay friends no matter what! She was the one who really the one i can count on to tell a secret to! haha a lot of people i know wont keep anything so there suckas lol! But bree different then all the other girls she is always herself even when people juge her! Which has helped me to be my own person! We are very similar but at the same time opposite! haha love ya girlie! <3


Heyyyyyy i'm Jennalee Joy Johnson and i got a blog yesss! :)
So here's a little about me!
I love my friends! There basically my life <3
I love tennis and goofing off! I hate drama even though it happends to me!
I love dancing singing acting! I am super outgoing!!!
I am basically the CRAZY girl haha!
well enjoy my blog :) haha!

p.s. I am married to zac efron lolz! <3xo