Monday, July 19, 2010


Sing a new song, to Him who sits on heavens mercy seat.
Holy, holy, is He!
With all creation i sing praise to the King of Kings.
and i will adore You.
Flashes of lighting, roles of thunder.

I went to CTV's dance show the other night, and it was really really awesome. But one thing that stuck out to me, it wasn't the show at all. It was more the message that Jill (the CTV director) talked about.
She talked about God dying on the cross, and i was like "oh great, heard this story like 4 billion times, why do i always have to listen to this stuff i know?"
But then she brought up How EVERY single sin ever done, doing, or did has been laid of Gods chest.
Just imagine our own daily lives, all the sins we do in just ONE DAY. Well take every single person in the world and over their life time take all their sins, with all sins put together. All laid on Jesus, who we rebuke, a shame, and sin against everyday.
God shows absolutely true love, he has the power to kill us all right now in less then a blink of an eye, and yet he loves us unconditionally and forgives all our sins.
Now i can't imagine a better picture of grace, than Jesus laying on the cross for my sins.
I can't really get the full impact in a blog post, but just think about it.