Saturday, July 4, 2009


Ok so HAPPY 4TH OF JULY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to La Habra high school for a firework show! It was pretty cool!

What did you do?

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOPE YOU HAD AN AMAZING DAY!!!!!!!!! <3

Just some little sayings and stuff.. just me writing...

oh 1st of all i'd like to say thxs so savannah for telling me to get a blog! THANKS!

I couldn't live without music the lyrics, the beat, the hidden meaning, the feelings it can bring out of a person! I am so greatful to amazing artists that make these amazing songs!

Philippians 4:13For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need.

Mathew 6:34Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring it's own worries. Each day has enough trouble of it's own.

1 Thessalonians 5:18Give thanks in all circumstances, For this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus!

Psalm 56:3When I am afraid, I will trust in you.

Do not think of the worst possible thing. Because, He loves you, And he's working in you. Instead, say.... "I trust in you, Lord. I trust in You always." Do not question the Lord in these circumstances. He has planned out this day. Instead say... "I trust in You, Lord. I trust in You always." My God, I love You! You will take care of everything about me. I trust in you always.

I wrote that little saying when i was little! These verses really helped me growing up... and still help me so much! :)Thanks for whoever took time to read this!

The sun is up the sky is blue it's buetiful and so are you! Open up your eyes! See the sunny sky!Wont you open up your eyes!Look a around, look a around, look a around! The sun is up and the sky is blue it's buetiful and so are you!

Because the world is round it turns me around!Because the wind is high it blows my mind!Love old love is new!Because the sky blue it makes cry!

Dear God its me again down here!I'm lost!Sometimes Your so unclear!I'm feeling so far from you!The weight of world has pushed me to the wall!I surrender! Come take me!I want to start againg!Open my broken heart!I reached the end, and Your the way to begin!I've seen a million of empty smiles! I don't want to live like that!I am breaking i am aching for something buetiful!

No one told me the right way the right way go about this.So i'll figure it out for myself!Cause how much is to much to give you!I may never no so i'll give until there's nothing left!No one told me how bad i need you!But i somehow arrived at the conclusion all by myself!And i want all you have to offer!So i'll offer myself and i'll give until there's nothing left i'll give!

These are some lyrics from songs that really touched me :)
The picture you see on top i took in washington while i was on vacation! I love Gods amazing creations!

Zacky poo!

So as you know i am married to zac efron <3
i am in love with my husband! He is so hot and i loveeee him!!! ahhhhh!
ok so i am not actshully married to him but i wish i was! I havent met him yet but thats one of my dreams! He's such a great actor and singer and dancer! And i just love everything about him but not that he is dating that stupid idiot vanessa! YUCK! gurrrr! haha!


Bree Bree-She's basically my bestie at school! So amazing! She's got the best personality she can always make me laugh even if i am pissed! She's super smart so if i am not understanding something in school i know were to go lol! She hates drama just like me! She is super duper funny and so fun! She's so cute! I love that girl! We have definitely had our fights, but we always stay friends no matter what! She was the one who really the one i can count on to tell a secret to! haha a lot of people i know wont keep anything so there suckas lol! But bree different then all the other girls she is always herself even when people juge her! Which has helped me to be my own person! We are very similar but at the same time opposite! haha love ya girlie! <3


Heyyyyyy i'm Jennalee Joy Johnson and i got a blog yesss! :)
So here's a little about me!
I love my friends! There basically my life <3
I love tennis and goofing off! I hate drama even though it happends to me!
I love dancing singing acting! I am super outgoing!!!
I am basically the CRAZY girl haha!
well enjoy my blog :) haha!

p.s. I am married to zac efron lolz! <3xo