Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bring color!

Bring light into a dark world!!! Be the one to stand out! Don't be the one to fit into the puzzle! Pop out be the odd one! ****Shine****!!!!!

what would you want?

hey people i had this idea while i was board haha.... so ya anyways what do you want me to blog about?



Sometimes i just want to go away from the world i want to wonder in my imagination.... go places.... exsplore new things....dream bigger then ever....imagine life as a brand new thing.... sore across skys....climb mountains that never end.... swim in dreamy cold sunsets then fall asleep right as they go down.... dream under be different... in my imagination anything is possible.... any color, light, smile, jump, flight is possible... i want to go to my imagination... and all day just wonder in my imagination!


Does anyone read my blog? if so please comment!