Sunday, September 27, 2009


She thought she'd explode with the intensity of love, but that's what love is like. Wild and possessing, making one nearly burst with excitment and desire-being being both sweet and cruel at the same time. that's what love is.


I loved fame!!!! and i loved seeing it with apryll! :) and the most embarrassing thing happend to me there. so i was running up the staris and i had this BIG slurpie and i tripped and half of the slurpie went down my shirt. so the hole movie i had this sticky stuff all over me and was freezing. But i loved the movie oh so much! It made me fall in love with dancing even more!


please comment. i feel like everyone hates me! :(

best day of church

best day of church by far. dancing and yelling to the worship songs with maddie. cracking our heads off.
maddie marrrrinnnnnn bahahha tooo funnnayyy girlie! :)
haha the memories we create in church.
oh and btw maddie "you have sparkling eyes, it's SICK" haha!
love u maddie marrrrinnnnn!