Tuesday, February 23, 2010

His love endures forever

"Give thanks to the Lord our God and king...his love endures forever..for He is good, he is above all things. His love endures forever..sing praise! sing praise! with a mighty hand..and out streched arm..his love endures forever. for the life thats been reborn..his love endures forever. sing praise..sing praise... sing praise... Forever God is with faithful, forever God is strong, forever God is with us...forever..forever...! "

God your so amazing..and I can't imagine my life without you. Your love is non-ending..and you are all powerful! Thank you so much for being that one person that listens, and lifts me up when I'm down... your so amazing... and i can't even put into words out much I'm on fire for you Lord.
Thank you God for putting friends in my life that will always be there.
Thank you God for giving me trials so i can grow closer to you
Plese help all those girls or boys out there who feel the need to put others down to make themselves feel good, when they really can just have a relationship with you and wont need to talk about others.