Thursday, May 20, 2010

One man.

there was a man.
a man like no other.
a man i couldnt quite find out.
a man who so desparatly loved me he gave his life for me.
a man i knew nothing about, yet he knew everything there is to know about me.
a man so unbelievably powerful.
i wasn't worthy of knowing this man.
but this humble beautiful man.
died for me..yes for me.
the one who sins against him day in and day out.
the one who mocks his name, and puts his work down.
yes that man died for me.
he died for let me be able to know him.
my sins lifted from my body.
my tears wiped away by his awe struck hands.
my pains plunged down a drain by his might.
my dreams coming to life in new ways i've never seen.
my life changed cause of this one man.
that man is Jesus.

I am thankful for my lunch table at school and the people in it:) they all make me laugh so much..and i love them all dearly!