Sunday, September 6, 2009


Haha this is random! But i love this dress. like its so fabulous!!! haha. i would totally wear this on the red carpet. I'm sorry i have a strange taste you prob wouldn't like it but i do! :)

Do you like it?


i can't believe school starts on wednesday!!
sooooo sooooon!!!
ahhhhhh new school super excited super nervous.
omg wednesday wow summer flew by so super fast!

that mountain!

When i can't climb that mountain anymore God climbs it for me.

best friend!

A best friend is always there for you no matter what! The one that isn't the same as you but you have so many similarities! A best friend is the one that will lift you up when your about to fall. Laugh with! Cry with! Celebrate with! Some one that will always be there for you no matter what! the best friend isn't always the one you spend the most time with, a best friend is the one you can count on for anything. Once a best friend always a best friend!

Who's your best friend?