Monday, July 20, 2009

Fly with me!

we light up the sky tonight! I see the world through your eyes! Leave it all behind! If it's you me forever, if it's you me right now i'll be all right, i'll be all right! So wont you fly with me? You got to fly with me now! To give all i can, to believe once again! If it's you and me forever, if its you and me right now i'll be all right, i'll be all right! So wont you fly with me? Maybe your afraid, knowing you were miles away, from the place were you needed to be, and thats right here with me! It's you and me forever, you and me right now i'd be all right! So wont you fly with me? If it's you me and forever, if its you and me right now! I'd be all right! So wont you fly, fly, fly, fly with me?


Do you ever get that feeling, that feeling of being alone? Of everyone else knows that you feel alone but they dont care! Do you ever feel that feeling of the outsider? that know one even notices you? No one even cares? That feeling of being alone... I have had that feeling, but then yet again i have seen that feeling in many people! I want to say something, to stand up for whats right! STOP leaving people out! whoever it is! If you have felt the feeling of being alone in something, then you know how that outsider feels! Why the heck do we let it happen to others, If we know how bad it feels? STOP!

150 blogs

My goal is to make 150 blogs by the end of the year! Savannah had the idea i am stealing it from her and doing with her! Hopefully i can do it :) i think i can i seem to write a lot! wish me luck! haha!! :)

What can....

Work on? Seriously please let me know what i can work on.... I can never change what you dislike about me if you don't tell me what i need to work on :) oh and p.s. i wont get my feelings hurt haha!