Saturday, October 16, 2010

God created you in His image:)

Your opinion on me does not matter, if God loves me and i have good friends & family surrounding me i could care less what you think. Just remember to hate me, is to hate what God

Recently, I've been feeling pretty down. I've been really hard on myself, and that doesn't really help me at all. I've been feeling really ugly & worthless to a lot of people. So instantly i cry about it all (which helped), but i went to God and just prayed to him "God, what in the world do i do? I feel ugly, and i hate the way i look..i know i was created in your image, and should be happy and accept the way i look but sometimes i just feel invisible to others. I want to be like the other girls i hangout, the ones who get all the attention..but you didn't give me that blessing. And im trying to accept that fact, but its so hard. I also know you made me the exact way i was meant to look, and just teach me how to love your creation."
I prayed that for a while, but i kept getting more and more discouraged.
My dear friend michelle quinto said some pretty darn impactful words:) When i was having a bad day, she was the one there for me. And i thank you for that girlie. i love you.
now to share what she sent me in a private message

"So check it out, if you belong to God, that means your his daughter. Which also means, that you will have his "family resembilance." You are his girl, and the two of you are a team. However, if one person on a team is distracted(like, for an example by beauty) how on earth would the team be able to make it without the other player?? can't happen!

Here, picture with me if you will; You do not belong here. Your real home is in heaven. Correct? sooo, that would mean that we are aliens here, and we will always stick out like a sore thumb in the crowd. Okay, so what on earth does this have to do with beauty? Because if we have this unique, and higher calling, why should we care whether or not we're on the runway! In Gods book, you are his precious angel, man! he'd give his life for you! So if we are this special, why go to waste? use up all that you got, even if it isn't perfect! were not here to please people, were here to please God, and love him, and gloify him with everything you got. You'll always be enough for him. you knoww?"

So love what you have and what you don't have, don't be to hard on yourself. And know that it doesn't matter what other people think, As long as Gods happy with you than i really shouldn't give a crap on the rest of the worlds opinions:)

of course.

Ever had just one of those super crappy days?
yeah well i'm having one.