Sunday, January 9, 2011

God is present.

In all our losses there's always a gain.
Even though you're going through a hard time remember, through everything hard we go through we always gain or learn something.
Might that be we gain respect, understanding, patience, peace, love, pure joy, or just learn what the meaning of life is in general.
Even when we're going through hard things remember, God is ALWAYS there...even if you can't seem to feel him He's always present..through the good and the bad. And that in itself is something beautiful.
Even when we feel like we can't stand on our own anymore, we just can't fight this battle anymore...That's where God comes in, He's your shoulder to cry on, your feet to walk, His arms to hold you, His love to capture you...His presence to escape you from the hard, the hurt, the pain, the rejection...His love captures all, He carries you in His arms...FOREVER AND ALWAYS.
Even when you've let go, God doesn't. He's forever your comfort, your refuge, your strength. He surrounds you with his grace, His forgiveness, His kindness, and His LOVE.
God is present.
Through tough things, we always learn...we always expand our horizon, because through hard things we gain understand and responsibility..and even though hard things suck, they make us stronger and more sympathetic. And praise hard things we go through for hard things bring us to God.