Friday, July 17, 2009

Vally party!!!<333

So.... today was fun i went to kyler house for 4 hours did a water war.... jumped.... danced..... goofed off... and laughed! Grayce baily kyler and rhett were there i love them all so much!<3333 there so amazing... haha but sometimes the boys can get moody which is really funny to me! But ya it was really fun! I love them haha!!!! Plus kyler is like my bestie and he was so fun today but then we would get out of hand but i would get him back on track haha<333 Love grayce and baily so much there so funny and cute i can always go to them with anything<333 oh and my rhett boy haha love him to he's a dork but i am to so what the heck<33 Also kyler yonger brother clay he's my boyfriend he even agreed with me haha!!!!! but he's got options as he says lol!!!! :)

but over all great day! but not mother nature i hate mother nature so much you dont even know... haha! But how was ur friday?

Mother Nature sucks!

Ok so all you girls know what i mean by mother natures gift! well it happens every month which really suck i have had 1 all ready but now here goes the 2nd...... This sucks! And i am super heavy!!!!! YUCK!!!!! :(

Fixed feelings.....AHHHHH!

Crazynesssssss is happening to me! So there are these 2 amazing boys that like me a lot right now..... & i don't like them :( But yet there really sweet and both love the Lord! grrrrr to boys!!!!!! i mean come on it was easier when guys didn't like me!!!!! But i will live of corse! In time they will move on! But it's kinda hard on me!!!! Then when people find out they like me they mess with me and all that embarrassing stuff... but i cant blame them for that or get mad at them for that because i do that all the time to my friends lol! Oh and if u know who the 2 guys r don't say anything i am just blogging about how i feel.... not going to give any info!!!