Friday, July 17, 2009

Vally party!!!<333

So.... today was fun i went to kyler house for 4 hours did a water war.... jumped.... danced..... goofed off... and laughed! Grayce baily kyler and rhett were there i love them all so much!<3333 there so amazing... haha but sometimes the boys can get moody which is really funny to me! But ya it was really fun! I love them haha!!!! Plus kyler is like my bestie and he was so fun today but then we would get out of hand but i would get him back on track haha<333 Love grayce and baily so much there so funny and cute i can always go to them with anything<333 oh and my rhett boy haha love him to he's a dork but i am to so what the heck<33 Also kyler yonger brother clay he's my boyfriend he even agreed with me haha!!!!! but he's got options as he says lol!!!! :)

but over all great day! but not mother nature i hate mother nature so much you dont even know... haha! But how was ur friday?

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