Friday, November 20, 2009

down to earth!

oh...oh....ohhhhh! oh!

i never thought that it be easy. because we both so distant now. and the walls are closing on us. and we are wondering how. no one has a solid answer. were just walking in the dark. and you can see the look on my face, and it just tares me apart.
so fly...through the hurt. and we cry...and cry...and cry....and cry! and we live...and we learn, and we try...and try...and try...and try! so it's up to you, and it's up to me. and we meet in the middle on are our way back to down to earth...down to earth...down to earth.... on our way back to earth! back down earth...back down to earth...back down to earth...back down to earth!

whats new?

ok so i am sorry i haven't been blogging that much recently. kinda been busy!
so as you know i got the justin bieber C.D. and am loving it. i only have 1 more song to memorize.
i am in love with his song called down to earth! ITS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! omg i love him! haha
he's basically all i can talk about lol! :D
so anyways how has everyone been?
i got the leading solo for our christmas thingy....that means i'm opening the hole thingy. I'm very nervous/excited. it's thanksgiving break yay :)
get to see my family
and stuff my belly with food ha
also whats new is dance i have basically landed my splits yay :D (that is big for me considering i was not flexible one bit) haha.....
but yeah.... :D