Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bree and my song<3

ok so my blog song love today by mika! haha its mine and bree's song we love it ahhhhhhh <33333333 we go nuts and crazyness comes upon us when we hear the sweet sound of high pitched men singing lol!!! check out!



so thanks so much to savannah for telling me i should blog and get one! :) Oh and the song by marina and the diamonds song i am not a robot totally wouln't have known about them unless savannah so thank you savannah! Check out her blog (it's better then mine) lol but thanks! sorry if it came across as me copying! wasn't trying 2!

Tennis, and of corse my day lol!

So today i woke up freakin early It's summer here peoples! But anyways i woke up at 7 grrrrr to go play tennis with my tennis thingy mabogger! lol! but i am not really into my team thing this year as much as i have been the years before! But i am still really loving tennis i mean i love playing with my dad its so fun and challenging!!! :)

So today i am having bree bree my bestie over to spend the night i cant wait! we havent seen each other the hole summer :( Then tomorrow my church besties and now school besties are going to the beach with bree bree and i cant wait its gonna be so much fun!!! :) <33333

What are you doing today?