Friday, December 11, 2009

lazer tagging

fun fun fun fun night :D
maddie and me first of all spent not only the hole night together, the hole day as well :) i love her by the way...
ok so the bus ride home was the BEST.....willaferd bahahahah oh my goodness best insider ever :D loved it so much...haha oh goodness!
and then when me and madz were at the lazer tag place...these 2 stalker dudes...did not let us out of their sight...i mean they were FREAKY!!! haha...i mean they followed us...and i am not gonna tell ya the rest lol!
anyways other then feeling sick and being stalked it was a very fun night full of laughs :)

oh and i thought i might let you know....that from now on i'll prob be putting a random taylor swift quote at the end of almost every post haha

"I looked into you in the eyes thought I knew you for a minute, now I’m not so sure..."