Sunday, July 5, 2009



If you know me well you know that i have had some drama in my life! With friends i hate it! With family i hate it as well. I think God makes all drama for people to grow stronger in God! Sometimes i don't understand why he does certain things but i understand he loves me! & to understand he loves me isn't that enough to live? To know God is there and listening and wanting you every minute all the time! Isn't it enough! to read the Bible and feel him inside you and want to tell everyone about him! Shouldn't you at least give God some time in your day because isn't He the one that created you? i mean we give time for bad music, friends that backstab you, T.V. that makes us feel not as good! God loves you and wants you every single minute! HE MADE US! shouldn't we at least want to talk to him? Shouldn't we at least want to be as close to God as possible? God is our creature and yet me cuss his name, or do everything in our power to disobey him! WHY?


You should get it!

Ok so you should get a cell phone if you don't have one and then we can text :)
Oh and then you should get a twitter and follow me and i will follow you back!
Also get a facebook you need that too!
OH and most of all GET A BLOG!
Whoever reads my blogs thanks so much i really like you doing that it mean you care just a little about me! <3

I blog to much!

haha so if you have noticed yet i blog all the time! I guess i just love writing! haha! so i have this thing were i have great ideas and words and songs and all that stuff! But the problem is i try really hard to write them down but once i pick up the paper they escape me ugh :( It's kinda sad! But i guess thats how life goes!
But enough about me people!! I want to talk about you! GET A BLOG! that way i can check out all this amazing stuff going through your mind and ideas! I love looking at what people half to say!
For you people that like to write a blog is perfect for you! It doesn't even cost money you just sign up and start writing!!! PLEASE DO IT FOR ME! <3

An amazing video!

Pleeeez check out this video it's amazing totally speaks out to me! Listen to the words!! It's totally inspiring to me! YOU HALF TO WATCH IT!!!


My answers!

So everyone asks me questions and here is were you can find all the answersm, unless you have a diff question that i haven't answered then just txt me :)

Do i like some 1 other then zac efron? NO! not lying!

Who is my best best friend ever? I can't pick one i a few!

Favorite color? A deep purple

Favorite food? This is to hard to answer i love a lot of diff foods!

What School do i go to? Well i did go to vally, but now i am going to heights this year!

Favorite holiday? CHRISTMAS!

Favorite season? SUMMER!!!!!!

Passion? My Lord!

What do I want to do when i grow up? Be an actris, realistic teacher!

Favorite hangout? BEACH! <3

Other passions other then my LORD? friends, behind a camera, singing, acting, dancing, tennis, writing, drawing my feelings, music! :) I have more but i just thought of some off the top of my head!

if you have any other questions i will answer them just text me or message me :)

I'm here!

Ok so i just wanted to tell everyone who takes time to look at my blog that if you are going through a hard time or struggling with something! I am here to help you or just be a friend that you can cry on! I love helping people i belive God put me on this earth to make a difference in peoples lives by helping them! I am hear to keep a secret and support anyone that wants it! I also am an advice giver! I have also gone through so many sad terrible things in my life so i also can feel pain! I'll cry with you and laugh with you! I'll get mad with you I'll get joyfull with you! You can always trust me! I am here for you! No matter who it is if your going through a hard time and don't know who to go to i am always just a phone call, text, e-mail, facebook, twitter, hangout away! <3

youtube video!
Check out this halarious video that my cousin cody showed me! haha LOVE IT!

sammy wammy!

So on thursday i had my friend Samantha Meyer come over it was pretty fun!

We took picz and laughed to inside jokes! Like the aladian song lolz and FO SHO BUDY!!! lolz! (u wouldnt get any of those) But anyways it was pretty fun!

Ok so lets get a little backround on sammy!

We met in 3rd grade at a park! Then she went to my homeschool whne we were both homeschooled! We became besties! But last summer we got into a MAJOR fight and stopped being friends! Just recently we both made a choice to move on and realized we were both being stupid! So now were back to friends but i dont think we'll ever be besties! :)

washed my doggies!

So today i went to church and had an ok time! The message wasn't anything specail! Had some fun with Hannah and anna for sure! After church we went to costco and ate pizza and a smoothie yum :) & after that i went home and my mom sis and I washed my dogs! My dogs names our nelly and darcy! THERE BIG, BIGGER THEN ME!!!!! Thye needed a little bath so we gave them one in the backyard! I held the hose and watered them off and my sis held them with a leash my mom did the shampoo job! So now there clean and happy!
Do you have dogs or dog? If so what our there names or name?