Sunday, July 5, 2009

I'm here!

Ok so i just wanted to tell everyone who takes time to look at my blog that if you are going through a hard time or struggling with something! I am here to help you or just be a friend that you can cry on! I love helping people i belive God put me on this earth to make a difference in peoples lives by helping them! I am hear to keep a secret and support anyone that wants it! I also am an advice giver! I have also gone through so many sad terrible things in my life so i also can feel pain! I'll cry with you and laugh with you! I'll get mad with you I'll get joyfull with you! You can always trust me! I am here for you! No matter who it is if your going through a hard time and don't know who to go to i am always just a phone call, text, e-mail, facebook, twitter, hangout away! <3

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