Monday, January 4, 2010

Love your life

For some odd reason these pictures inspire me! :)
My life is nothing but HARD, but you know what I've got a family that loves me, i know the Lord, I'm going to Heaven, I've got amazing friends who love and support me, I've got a place to call home, I've got food on the table, I've got a bed to sleep on, so even though things could be better... I don't think i ever really focus on what amazing things i do have... Thanks God for your all powerful being. Thanks for all the blessing you've given me!<3

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

"I'll be eighty-seven , you'll be eighty-nine. I'll still look at you like the stars that shine in the sky,oh my my my.."

some more poems i did in my spare time

your eyes meet mine *sparkle*
your smile, my heart sings
you laugh, i start to giggle
you walk by me, my knees get weak
you talk to me, i start to blush
your so complicated
so why is it so simple to love you?

Please don't let go.
I want to be in your arms forever
your arms are my home and loving
i feel protected when your arms are around me
so darling please stay by me

My heart goes off the chain when your around
it sings, flips, buzzes, honks, runs, jumps, dances, fly's, cry's, skips, and plays! <3

Your laugh, is the laugh of life your smile, is the smile of sweetness your secrets, our mine to keep your complicated, but i don't care

your my love song i hear, your my dance i dance to, your my tear when i cry, your my laugh when I'm happy, your my giggle when I'm sweet, your my anger when i scream, your my spark that starts my fires, your my heat on a cold night, your my stars at night, your all i think about when I'm alone

"When you find everything you looked for I hope your life leads you back to my door but if it don't, stay beautiful"