Saturday, August 22, 2009


DREAM as BIG and as HARD has you can until LIFE reaches an END!


sorry i just totally did 3 posts in like a matter of an hour... so read all of them!!!

cupcake and roof roof!

so my mommy and sister went to shop today and in the car we were all laughing about my weird sayings i say a lot like "for crying out loud" and "oh my lanta" and my mom hates it when i say freakin but i say it all the time... haha (THANKS APRYLL) haha!!!! but anyways my mom sis and i were like talking and stuff and i was like "mom you need to make nicknames for courtney and i!" so my mom randomly said snickers for me but i kinda liked that but she kept thinking and she was like cupcake.... so my mommy calls me cupcake now!!! i love it!! she said she calls me that cause i am as sweet as a cupcake!! awww <3

then my sisters was snicker doodle... but she hated that so randomly i was like roof roof out of no were.... LOL haha so courtney is now called roof roof haha!!!

isn't that cute???

cupcake, and roof roof!!! :P

"i think our hands just made a baby"

the funniest line from 17 again EVER... haha me and bree cracked our heads off!!! it was to funny!!! bree bree and i our so weird when we get together last night we like made these really weird videos... and i mean extremely weird no lie! and in one of them i put a square pillow in my jacket so i was Pregnant with a square child... seriously goodtimes!!! haha!!! were such freaks!!!! but anyways then i stuck a brownie in her water without her knowing and she drank it omg omg to funny she spit it out all over her shirt and was like gagging big time... it was super funny!!! so we had some goodtimes!! oh and bree made a blog and its super weird and cute but if you wanna check it out please do haha!!! bree bree is to cute!!!! <3