Saturday, February 6, 2010

just some stuff i came up with.

just some stuff i came up with.

The rain of life. Each tear drop we cry, God lifts up into the sky and treasures your emotion! So every time you cry know that God just sends the tears back down to let you know he feels your pain.

can i escape this place they call earth? This wicked horrible place. That God intended to be amazing and beautiful beyond compare. can i please join God into His world of no sin, and pure joy! Where no one judges you, when all you feel is happiness. Where i Don't half to worry what i look like, or what people think of me. I place where I'm me, and everyone excepts that. Thank you God for giving me a hint of your love down here on this world. I can't wait to see you, when the day comes.

"I tried to take the road less traveled by but nothing seems to work the first few times...Am I right?"
-taylor swift

and my God quotes, only give me one a day. so the post below has the God quote of the day :)

voice of truth!

"Oh what i would do to have the kind of faith that takes climb out of this boat and onto the crashing waves. to step out of my comfort zone unto the realm of the unknown where Jesus is. and he's holding out his hands. But the waves are calling out my name and laughing at me. reminding me all the times i tried before i failed. the waves they keep on telling me time and time again i never win, i never win. but the voice of truth tells me a different story. the voice of truth says do not be afraid. and the voice of truth says this is for my glory. out all of the voices calling out to me i will choice to listen to the voice of truth."

"They're dimming the street lights, you are perfect for me why aren't you here tonight?"
-taylor swift

"Will this matter in a year from now?' All too often you get so involved in things that you look at life through a microscope. Amplifying manifold, an invisible speck becomes an insurmountable mountain. Put down the microscope and imagine yourself a year from now looking back at today: 'Does this really matter?"
-God quote of the day