Monday, December 13, 2010


Summer Hume.2010.
Changed my life.
All because of one woman-Megan Fate.
Megan Fate as you can tell from her pictures, is full of joy all because God lives in her.
She just recently got married.
I couldn't help myself, i had to blog about it.
Shes my idol, seriously. My inspiration, i want to grow up and be a woman of God just like she is.
I love you Megan Fate, and i cannot wait to spend eternity in heaven with you. :)
I look up to you in so many ways, i can't even put into words of how beautiful inside and out you are.

Happy Birthday Taylor Swift, you're my idol & i love you so much! Your music has gotten me through some of my hardest times and still gets me through my rough days! ♥
This girl has been faithful to me, from all the drama, too all the broken hearts, this girl has known exactly how i was feeling. I've cried while singing her songs, I've laughed & smiled while her songs, i've felt everything through her songs.
She's been my idol for a year straight now, she inspires me to go after my dreams. The woman is amazing, and can sing like no one else. The only country artist i like, SHES MY EVERYTHING!

Happy 21st taylor, 12/13♥

565th post!