Tuesday, April 20, 2010

post. post. post.

ok so i've felt like posting a lot today as u can tell..3 today. wow im crazy!
and i would enjoy u 2 read the first one i did thats titled "only julia would manage to do that"
its actually quite hilarious..and short.
also did a new look.
do you like it?:)

Im thankful for music... without music life would be horribly depressing. Music can connect with any mood your in...lonely, loved, happy, sad, sorrow, joyful, energetic, deep, emotional, sweet, innocnent..the list goes on:)
thanks God for music.

footprints in the sand:)

"you walked with me...footprints in the sand. and helped me understand where im going. you walked with me when i was all alone. with so much unknown along the way. then i heard you say..i promise you im always there. when your filled with sorrow and despair. ill carry you when you need a friend. youll find my footprints in the sand. i see my life flash the sky. so many times i have been so afraid. and just when i i thought i lost my way... you gave me strength to carry on..thats when i heard you say i promise you im always there. when your heart is filled with sorrow and despair..ill carry you when you need a friend. youll find my footprints in the sand"
-leona lewis!!!
me and jenifer are gonna be singing this for graduation..and i thought it was a very fitting song for leaving friends and going into a big scary highschool!
it's very nice for me to hear sometimes..i think of it as God singing it to me:)

I am thankful for friends..they make my life 100x better. without my friends life would suck. love you guyss<3

only julia would manage to do that.

okkk so today my friends julia michael and adam were all hanging out...and like julia got mad or something and kicked her leg up..
and then..
her shoe flew up into the air and landed on our school roof.
I LAUGHED SO HARD...i freakin fell over.
haha omg i cannot get over how funny that was.
oh my Lord u gotta love that girl:)

i am thankful for laughter. It always makes a day more brighter and warmer. When someone laughs it always bring a smile to my face...laughter is the core to happiness. Thanks God for laughter:)