Tuesday, June 29, 2010

owl city,

"the stars lean down to kiss you and i lie awake and miss you pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere cause I'll doze off safe and soundly but I'll miss your arms around me I'd sent a postcard to you dear cause i wish you were here"
-vanilla twilight

"i wish i could cross my arms and cross your mind cause i believe you'd unfold your paper heart and wear it on your sleeve, all my life i wish i broke mirrors instead of promises cause all i see is a shattered conscience staring right back at me"
-tidal wave

"i will disguise myself as a sleeping pill and descent inside of you, hello Seattle, i am a cold seahorse feeling warm in your sand. I sing about the tide and the ocean surf rolling in the evening breeze."
-hello Seattle

"and cold nights make staying alert so hard, for heaven's sake keep me awake so i won't be caught off guard. Clearly I am a passerby but i'll find a place to stay...Dear pacific day, won't you take me away? small town hearts of the New year brought down by gravity crystal clear"
-rainbow veins

"If we could sit together a moment and talk forever just to pass the time i would smile as the shivers and chills run down my spine with your eyes are locked on mine. Oh we will fill the metro skies with country air and when you close your tired eyes i'll meet you there. deep inside of you theres a ruby glow and it gets brighter then you and i will ever know theres a rushing sound that surrounds us when we walk alone and its everything we've ever known"
-ill meet you there

"are you out there where the rainy days begin to feel rather sad. And the walls are closing in like the darkness around me, it's so hard to look away when the daylight doesn't ever stay. Above tis dull apartment view oh, i will surround you."
-west coast friendship

Owl city the C.D., made by adam young is brilliant. I can't get over how intelligent and meaningful his lyrics are, they seriously make me want to write and write then practice some more..and keep writing. He has this sound about him, that's so unique so likable. I can't get enough of his music. your a genius adam young!:)

woahh check this out!

Okay so i found these looking through flickr.com
i mean these are good, huh?
I can't even begin to into words how cool these are.

the year that changed who i was.

Aren't these just absolutely fantastic?
Cause they absolutely inspire me like 100%
they inspire me to become colorful, and be brilliant. And show off Gods glory, just like these pictures do.
Ugh how i wish i could be a photographer.
anyways i wanted to take a minute to talk about this 8th grade year with all of you.
This year has inspired me so much it's insane, i seriously find Gods glory every blink i take,
This year i had many important people in my life impact me more then ever I'll name a few
apryll m
lisa a
michael m
adam m
gavin e
amy m
abby b
julia t
jenifer w
michelle q.
Thanks to all of you, God grew me up in same way some form through you all.
I am so blessed to all call you brothers and sisters in Christ, you truly are blessings and treasure from our God.
Thank you for never giving up on me, and sticking by me no matter what. Thats true dedication if i say so myself;)
This year i got out of my shell, started taking dance, sang for everyone to hear, acted the everything skit which greatly impacted my spiritual life.
Thank you to heights, how much you grew me in the Lord..and where i found some of the truest friends anyone could ask for.
Thanks God for such an impacting 8th grade year.

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
Jeremiah 29:11-12
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

465th post:DD