Wednesday, August 26, 2009

he's gone from my mind!

bye bye i hate you aaron!

oh and i am totally excited for tomorrow partttayyyy at allys (friend from vally) finally gonna see all my besties from vally!! oh how much i've missed them!!! then bree bree and me sleep over time :) cant wait! love them all soooo much!

oh and bree bree freakin post more <3


so i basically cried the hole night!!! and more like balled! i seriously wish boys were smarter and actually knew what they were doing and what they were freakin saying! a few of you know about what i am talking about! and i hate himmmmm i hate himmm soooo much!!! i want to punch him!!! he hurt me a boy has never hurt me as much as he just did today!!! i am over him i never want to see his ugly face again! i never want to talk to him (though i will sometimes because i dont want to be a jerk) and you know what screw him! he's done this to another girl before i feel her pain! seriously i cant even put into words how much anger i feel towards this idiot! i thought he was good i really did! wow how pathetic am i thinking that he was actually worth liking! i love all my friends there amazing! i hate him thats that..... and :'(