Wednesday, August 26, 2009


so i basically cried the hole night!!! and more like balled! i seriously wish boys were smarter and actually knew what they were doing and what they were freakin saying! a few of you know about what i am talking about! and i hate himmmmm i hate himmm soooo much!!! i want to punch him!!! he hurt me a boy has never hurt me as much as he just did today!!! i am over him i never want to see his ugly face again! i never want to talk to him (though i will sometimes because i dont want to be a jerk) and you know what screw him! he's done this to another girl before i feel her pain! seriously i cant even put into words how much anger i feel towards this idiot! i thought he was good i really did! wow how pathetic am i thinking that he was actually worth liking! i love all my friends there amazing! i hate him thats that..... and :'(



maddie. said...

um i basically wanna kill this kid... so you better hope i never meet him cuz then you will literally never see him again ;) haha.

i love you.

Jennalee said...

yeah seriously next time i see him ohhhhh i cant even put into words how freakin mad im going to be!

love you to!

Savannah said...


The Groovy Hotspot said...


Jennalee said...

haha for sure julia!