Sunday, September 13, 2009

my true friends.

i think no matter what i'll always have apryll and samantha as good friends.
apryll-we've been friends since we've met each other. so many memories flood my head when i think of you. i have always been able to trust you no matter what. even though we have had are hard times, (which all true friends have) we will always be besties! your so beautiful even if you don't think so. YOU ARE! you are so Godly, if i ever need some 1 to go to for Godly advice i'd go straight to you. You always make me smile and laugh. Your full of energy and can't stop having fun! :) even if i'm having a hard day you bring a smile to my face! We have so much in common, and yet were so opposite. we've been friends since 3rd grade. and we still are. and we always will be! <3
sammy- i love you. we've been best friends since i can remember! If it wasn't for that one day at the park we would have never became best friends! praise God for that park. but we have had our scared at that park (might i say) you are so amazingly friendly. We've have gone through A LOT with each other. We've changed so much as people. but we have changed together! you have had an amazingly influence on me. I can always trust you with everything. we always laugh together. and we have so many good memories! :) your so pretty sam. i am jealous ;) i love you and will always love you! <3