Monday, December 14, 2009

just some sayings

don't fall in love...fall of a bridge it hurts less!

i didn't fall for just simply tripped me!

i wish you were here so i didn't half to talk to myself.

i love you so much...that even though you love her.....i still don't want to see you hurt.

dear heart i met a good luck! xoxo

i like him, he likes her, story of my life.

please don't let me become invisible

all i want for Christmas is for him to notice i exist

liked what it was, hate what it is, love what it could have been

real love stories don't have endings

i can let got.... i can forgive....i can move on.....but i'll never stop loving you!

what can i say? we'll always be friends!

I'm pretty sure this is the cutest picture on the planet...would you agree? =)

"When you're fifteen feeling like there's nothing to figure out.. Count to ten, take it in, this is life before you know who you're gonna be"