Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My amazingly fun wednesday with hannah morris and maddie martin<333

Ok so today was really sooooo much fun :) So i went over to maddies house with hannah and hungout ate mac n cheese watermellon pizzzzzaaa lolz were such pigs!!!<333 then we went swimming for about 2 hours before v-ball... which by the way v-ball camp was extremely funnnnnn today we played queen of the cort and of corse hannah maddie and i got put on the same team :) we rock lolz!! well they do but not me.... and then on the way to deep end from v-ball was really fun cuz me hannah maddie and taylor and emily m were all singing our hearts out to hannah montana songs then we started making up christain cheezy lyrics to them it was pretty darn funny!!! then after that we rushed to wednesday night church swimming at maddies which was really fun as well! A lot of jumping off the rocks into the pool and laughing! SO FUN! I love those 2 girlies<333

what did you do wednesday? :)

New blog song!

So just to let you know i don't like the jonas brothers at all and i dont like there music as well! But i like just 1 of there songs its called fly with me! And its my blog song now! check it out<3