Sunday, October 10, 2010

a good weekend.

so i thought this weekend was going to be boring! I WAS SO WRONG!
so friday was boring, but i watched movies and had pizza with my mom. So it was boring but a good day:)
saturday was boring at first then i went to 5th quarter, and that thing was freaking fun. me and jordan dressed up as laker & dodger fans...and at first i didn't want to, but then we found these wigs. Red mullet wigs, they were AMAZING. so we wore them, and took pictures. we couldn't stop laughing that night, and carmel apples are quite the memories with me and her:) then i slept over at her house.. that was fun too:)
onn sunday i went to church, DUH! then went over to linneas house until like 9. and we worked on our stupid AP human geography project, and i had to dress up as an indian woman and use self tanner on my face. I now completely understand why God didn't make me as a black person,
overall good weekend:) yay!

530th post:)