Monday, July 26, 2010


"One less bell to answer
one less egg to fry
one less man to pick up after
i should happy
but all i do is cry
cry cry
no more laughter
i should be happy
oh why did he go?
i only know since he left my lifes so empty
though i try to forget it, it just can't be done
each time the door bell rings, i still run
i dont know how in the world to stop thinking of him
cause i still love him so
and everyday i start the same, crying my heart out
one less bell to answer
one less egg to fry
one less man to pick up after
no more laughter
no more love
since he went away
since he went away"

"I've been alone with my mind
and in my dreams ive kissed your lips a thousand times
i soemtimes see you pass outside my door
is it me your for?
i can see it your eyes
i can see it your smile
your all i've ever wanted
and my arms are open wide
cause you know just what to say
and you know just what to do
and i want to tell you so much
i love you
I long to see sunlight in your hair
and tell you time and time again how much i care
sometimes i feel heart will overflow
ive just got to let you know
cause i wonder where you are
and i wonder what you do
are you somewhere feeling lonely?
or someone loving you?
tell me how to win your heart
cause i havent got a clue
but let me start by saying
i love you."

490th postt:DD


Went to the beach thursday & friday
thursday:Me and maddie took a trip with eachother and had a good bonding time for sure:)
haha i love my maddie girl.
Friday:for my friends b-day party, me amy and maddie all took pics and tanned:) i love them too.
have you been to the beach this summer, if so had any fun?:)

bike rides&a picnic:)

picnic withh julia((:
sooo on saturday, me and julia rode bikes
and had a picnic:)
then went swimming
went to her brothers baseball game (and met the love of my life, EDDIE FANCO...SOOO HOT)
anyways....then i slept over
then church the next morning
it was a funnn summer day:)
Anything exciting happen this weekend?

finally posting

"A chair is still a chair, even when there's no one sitting there
but a chair is not a house
and a house is not a home
when there's no one there to hold you tight
and no one there you can kiss goodnight.
A room is still a room
even when there's nothing there but gloom
But a room is not a house
and a house is not a home
when the two of us are far apart
and one of us has a broken heart.
Now and then i call your name
and suddenly a face appears
But it's just a crazy game
and when it ends it ends it tears.
So darling have a heart
don't let one mistake keep us apart
Im not meant to live alone
turn this house into a home
when i climb the stair and turn the key oh please be there."

Sorry i haven't been posting in forever i've been pretty darn busy, i'll upload pictures of the adventures i've had in the past few days(:
How have you all been?