Saturday, July 18, 2009


why do people hurt me? it's so sad how people half to be mean or say things that hurt.... i mean its not like i haven't done it before but at least i take the time to say sorry!! But my life has been nothing but hard hard hard hard and know one even takes time out of there selfish life to ask some one how are you? or can i pray for you? or just an encouragment or a i'm here for you! those things can cure a broken heart.... but no one seems to care about my heart!

be happy... but how?

How am i suppoce to be happy 24/7? i dont think any 1 can do that.... everyone exspects me to be perfect and do everything right! well news flash I MAKE MISTAKES! i can't always be happy! I mean i want to be but life doesn't really work that way! sorry just felt like writing that..... people r like supriced or mad at me when i make a mistake but i dont judge them when they make mistakes! Why do i half to be put under all this pressure? it's no fair at all... But life isn't fair i know that, i just wish life was a little more fair!

no one....

comments on my blog...... :( how sad.....


i feel so yucky i am having bad cramps and i had to take medicine i almost threw up........ and all i want to do is stay home and sleep! YUCK :( this sucks