Saturday, November 28, 2009

just my dreams.

I don't know where to start.
you mean the world to me....and you always will.
how can i tell you all of this??
i can't! everyone wont understand.
your always there in my mind....i can't make you leave my thoughts (i guess your just to special for me)
i fought for you....but i noticed i will never be enough....i will never be the one for him..... and yet i still think in my mind what if he grew...what if he grew and became a man! and acted like one...instead of popping from girl to girl....and just stopped and realized what he had in front of him! yet he couldn't! i realize now it was all i dream of mine. oh this mind of mine it never stops hoping for him. never stops..... he will always be in my mind. yet from time to time i think wow he may be changing...but then i get let down. i've trained myself so hard that i can't even think about girls and him....i just think about him. so i pray every time i think of him and ask God for him to wake up from his dream and look to me and say....yes your the one i need..... but yet it's all just my dreams.

just little sayings :)

the thing girls like most about a guy is when he can admit he likes you.

she can't fall for you unless you're there to catch her.

i think i could be madly in like with you.

you make me smile when your not even trying.

loving you is like breathing.

i just didn't think anyone could make me feel this way.

so i basically really just want to hug you right now.

to me your like an angel sent from heaven above.

you color my world with love.

& you still mean everything to me, your just not worth the fight anymore.

if you were a status i would like you.

in every ending theres a beginning.

i told him i didn't like him like that anymore but then he smiled and i wasn't so sure.

friends are like bras....close to the heart and always there for support.

true love doesn't have happy endings because it never ends.

love has so many complications but you will endure all of them.

did i mention your one of the most awesome people i know?

everything makes sense when your with me.

boys like like brunets!

i feel safe when i look in those eyes.

we belong together and you know it.

i missing you, but at least i have you to miss.

there are only two times i wanna love you....forever and always.

what happens when he's your price charming? but your not his cinderella.

you make me fall in love with you all over again every time.

so darling tell me do you wish we would fall in love?

you and me will be lying side by side forever...forever!

my life is turning into a taylor swift song...which song? all of them.

i sing because it hurts the least....

music is life, you cant forget it. music is hope, you can't regret it. music is love, it's free and forgiving. music is life, its what makes you keep living.

loving someone is wanting the best for them, even if that means I'm not including.

i still love you even though you broke my heart.

loved you once, love you still, always have, always will.

it's crazy to love someone that's hurt you, and think they might even love you too.

trust me when i say i love you, i will always mean it.

stupid mistakes cause heartbreaks.

you have no idea how much i want to hate you, i guess i can't train my heart too. cause it's a lie! you'll always be loved by me.