Saturday, November 28, 2009

just my dreams.

I don't know where to start.
you mean the world to me....and you always will.
how can i tell you all of this??
i can't! everyone wont understand.
your always there in my mind....i can't make you leave my thoughts (i guess your just to special for me)
i fought for you....but i noticed i will never be enough....i will never be the one for him..... and yet i still think in my mind what if he grew...what if he grew and became a man! and acted like one...instead of popping from girl to girl....and just stopped and realized what he had in front of him! yet he couldn't! i realize now it was all i dream of mine. oh this mind of mine it never stops hoping for him. never stops..... he will always be in my mind. yet from time to time i think wow he may be changing...but then i get let down. i've trained myself so hard that i can't even think about girls and him....i just think about him. so i pray every time i think of him and ask God for him to wake up from his dream and look to me and say....yes your the one i need..... but yet it's all just my dreams.


Savannah said...

Well who is this guy? And what has he done that's made you think like that. And anyways it's only Jr. High, and I know you hear that alot but it is. You have your whole life to find the right person. It's definitly ( probably) not this Jr.High romance.

Jennalee said...

haha ohhh its just a thing i came up guy right now. just thinking lol. and i know there is no such think as true love in jr.high lol!