Saturday, November 13, 2010

grow up!

I don't understand..
Most of my girlfriends all are SO they don't feel good about themselves unless guys are giving them attention. WHAT AN EMPTY LIFE. cause guys themselves are just idiots at this age. i mean why would you want attention from a stupid hormonal boy? its so pathetic. They get their self worth from guys, no wonder why their so insecure. im getting sick of it. A guy should not determine what you think about yourself. I'm so fed up with girls and their stupidness. i really want to slap some sense into some of them.
At this point in life i don't really give a flying s^&% what guys think about me. wanna know why? cause WHO CARES? i've got God, who thinks im so precious and beautiful. for crying out loud, who needs a lame guy determining your self worth?
just gotta say, it must suck needing all the attention...cause thats pretty darn empty to base your self worth on other peoples opinions. Cause i am just perfectly fine with who i am, and who God made me to be. if guys have a problem with who i am, they can go away and grow a pair of balls.