Sunday, June 13, 2010


dear Mr.Sunshine
you truly are a gift
and i'm lucky to call you mine
with tears of joy just like mist

I'm so blessed to feel your kiss
I dream of you all my nights
you're always missed
with love rolling like a dice

charm never seems to fail
Mr.Sunshine you are all mine
with letters in the mail
Thank you, I am fine

joy upon every hug
laughter never leaves us
with that cute ladybug
we must love, we must

a little poem i whipped together:)

flowers meet
the sweet sent of you and me
we greet
now we truly see

what lies ahead is our hearts
we will never tare apart
we roll around like fun and play just like used shopping carts
you sure did hit my heart with that dart

sweet kisses
with touches of love
always misses
that love of the white dove

always caring
snuggles in your arms
we're so daring
you give that charm.

made this up.

like a credit card you maxed me out
I'm all gone, I'm all used out
fallen to the ground
used, broken.
The soul to who i am can't fight any longer
you keep trying and trying
but I'm maxed out budy.
like a credit card
you played my heart
just like you played the slots
my shells already hurt enough
no more pain needs to help me out, I'm already tough
no more luck
I'm coming so duck.


Psalm 13:5

But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.

(Ephesians 4:32) 32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God also in Christ forgave you.

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones proverbs 16:24

I have brilliant friends.

this poem was written by my "big brother" michael munnerlyn,
it's freakin brilliant,,
i mean just read it. haha

The leaves are falling
Far from the tree
the world is calling
for them to be free

the trees age is showing
slowly turning it grey
the wind is blowing
slowly pulling away

the trees seems reluctant
to let go of the leaves
the withering is constand
and sullenly it grieves

for when the tree was strong
in its younger days
the leaves wished to belong
and so they stayed

but now it is weak
it cant say no
the tears now leak
and time to let go