Monday, April 19, 2010


okk so i have this idea.
at the end of each blog post im gonna say what im thankful for.
and explain why.

im thankful for juice. It makes my mouth full of flavor, and always cheers up my mood:)
thank you God for juice.

romans 5:2-3

Through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace which we now stand. and we rejoice in the hope of glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we knew that suffering produces perseverance. Romans 5:2-3♥

some good stuff right there.
i think we all have hard times in our lives am i right??
well this verse shows us we suffer for a reason, God puts trials in our life to let us grow closer to Him. God is great, and he puts sufferings in our life for a reason. I praise you God..thank you so much that you are modling me into a young woman of you:)
i love u bunches!