Saturday, April 3, 2010


like the new look? :)

closer to love.

"she got the call today went out of the gray..and when the smoke cleared it took her breath away. she said she didnt believe it could happen to me. i guess we're one phone call from our knees. we're gonna get there soon..if every building falls if every star fades.we'll still be singing our song the one they cant take away..gonna get there soon she's gonna get there too cryin in her room prayin Lord come through. we're gonna there soon...oh its ur life oh its ur way..pull me out of the dark..just to show her the way. cryin out now from so far away. you pull me closer to love..closer to love"


on friday i went to the movies and saw the last song (so cute, cried my eyes out) with julia micheal and adam. so much fun i love those 3 :)
then had a sleepover with julia..she's so weird.
I love it.
I also road a two person bike the other day for the first time (it was so exciting)
friends are fabulous and loving my friend life.
family...horrible. haha
oh wow... 2 parts of my life...1 part amazing other part crappy.
whatever..ive got God.

375th post baby :D