Sunday, November 15, 2009

life verse!

Life verse Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.


no one but apryll comments on my blog :(
i am sad.


So i just watched UP for the first time ever. It was sooooo soooo cute :) it made me smile. I mean and the story line WOW whoever came up with that story is BRILLIANT! 1st of all i love Disney!2nd of all I love Disney Pixar! 3rd of all i love cute story lines. So this was the PERFECT movie for me :D
so cute!
Have you seen it?

good times

ok so last night (saturday night) haha was amazing! i had a blast!! went to the heights football game championship! (which they won) YAY!!!! haha i went crazy shouting and yelling. it was a blast. then went to a pizza thingy after with everyone SO MUCH FUN! :) truly a night i wont forget. i love my friends<3
oh and in all of heights history this year we have won 3 championships in a row! GO HAWKS! :)
i must bring good luck jk jk jk jk :P