Sunday, November 8, 2009


I've noticed so much changed in me and my friends through jr.high. We all started 6th grade so young and so unaware of who we are and what we were doing. We came in having are mouths wide open ready to say anything we could about anyone. In 7th we started noticing what we were doing, and felt bad. Now this year is so much more different I think we all have grown in Christ so much, and we have learned how to close our mouths. We all catch ourselves gossiping, and try to encourage one another, we all keep each others secrets. And yet no one see's how much we all have changed. I have changed so much the way i was is soooooo different then who i am now. I love Christ and want to do everything in the way of pleasing Him. (as hard as that is, we are sticking to our plans) catching ourselves on gossiping, catching our friends on gossiping, closing our mouths before we gossip, showing love towards others, keeping whatever secret someone tells us, loving our enemies, and reaching out to others.
Good job 8th grade girls for keeping our mouths closed, and keeping the secrets that a few of us only do know! Thanks so much for trusting me with what you have to say, and what you are feeling, Everyone that knows me TRULY says i am very trustworthy. If one person is gonna make me think otherwise, then whatever to that person....they've got their own issues to work out!

linneas party!

oh my goodness sleep overs, toilet papering, prank calls, snakcs, games, TWINS :), maddie and i insiders, smiles, laughs, screaming, secrets, movies, all such wonderful girls equaled such a wonderful time :) love you all!