Saturday, August 14, 2010

hume lake summer 2010:)

Hume lake 2010.
What an impacting week it was.
I can't even begin to describe how much this week changed my life.
I lead someone to Christ (that was an amazing exsperience i will NEVER forget)
i have a new role model (megan fate) the spirit girl at hume, she's AMAZING. She talked to our cabin for about 3 hours and i broke down in tears so badly, she is probably one of the most Godly women i have ever met. God bless her soul.
I brought many peoples to tears through my testimony and faith for God, God sure worked His power through me this week.
The worship was FANTASTIC, i will never forget how amazing the worship was (im also now in love with the lead singer, michael) haha:)
what?? don't judge me, he's super attractive and he's such a man of God.
hume overall was inspiration and unforgetable. Wanna hear more about my trip then just talk to me in person, cause its honestly to long to write on a blog post haha:)

I also grew 10x stronger in the Lord.
The theme was all about how arrogant all of us can be, and how we need to be humble and have grace just like Jesus Christ had for us.
I got a lot out of this trip
but the main things i got out of the trip..
I am of no importance, the only importance found in me is through Jesus Christ.

I was awakened to how sinful i was and how evil my sins were towards people, Thank you so much God for having as much forgiveness as you do.

theme verse for the week: 2nd corinthians 5:14-15
For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.