Friday, October 23, 2009

where the wild things are.

I saw this movie a week ago, and ever since have been thinking about it constantly. Even though it is very strange and hard to relate to. I related. The sweetness and harshness towards to little boy, every minute life changes for him! he will be the ignored child....the king...the heart broken....the boy who try's, but can never do right....the boy that's loved....the boy that's hated. all so confusing for this little boy, and yet he is so complete and fine with himself. where the wild things are definitely is a movie worth watching.

shall we fly!

Let's fly together shall we?
no one telling us who we are, what to do, what we feel. just 100% us. flying through the sky holding hands. what a feeling flying in the sky with you :)
shall we?? i think we shall....