Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's ok! :'(

It's ok to cry!!! I cry all the time! Sometimes emotions can't be handled and you just got to get it out! Death, friendships, love, hope, judgment, life, dreams crushed, hope gone, left out, family, friends! Can all be such hard things, but can be such blessings at the same time! I cry all the time, horrible things have happend to me and my family and you know what even when God was there i cried and was lost without no hope! I sometimes feel like God is never there to listen, or no one cares, or understands!! But you know what God is there and it's ok to cry! God wants us to show our emotions!!! SO JUST CRY!!! OPEN UP!!! Sometimes you need to cry... life can't be all fun and laughs, sometimes life is struggles, hearts broken, feeling alone in something, not knowing what to do, feeling so guilty or sinnful, not being understood! I have felt so much in my life, and i found out the more you cry the better you feel!! Let those tears drip out! It's ok to think about what hurts you most!!!

Love you all, if you ever need a friend i am here for you!!!! HANG IN THERE!!!!

My amazing day with madzzz<33

ok so on wednesday i went to deep end and had a pretty darn good time, even though i was visiting aunt flow!!! u can ask what aunt flow is if ur curious haha!!! But anyways it was funn :) then i spent the night at maddies house and we talked FOREVER and laughed and were crazy like we always are haha..... Then after that we woke up early because we were planning on going to disc golf but that didnt work out... so then we went to the mall and had funn :) then we just hungout talked and laughed after that!!! also maddie did this really halarious dance on her bed it was sooooooo funny! Oh and for some weird reason i smell summer love in the air (and i have no clue why, but i do) ;PPPPP haha i am so weird!!! loL!!!! but anyways to make a long story short it was funnn :)

I love you maddeline grace martin haha!!!

and you know what YOUR A NERD (I KNOW) haha!!!