Tuesday, October 6, 2009

everything skit


Please copy and paste this video. It's worth your time, and watching it.
Made a difference in my life!
I cried so hard at pure impact on this video (a different version)

go for it!

Go for any dream you have, Nothing is impossible with the help from God.

Philippians 4:13… “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

Psalm 34:17… “The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles.”

true peace can only be found in God.

You can only find true peace in God. I always seem to look some where else to find comfort like friends, family, food, music, dance but in reality you can only find true peace in God.
what do you tend to try and find peace in?


haha i love how everyone my age feels like they know it all. (including me, sometimes) but it just makes me crack up. I mean we can't me matture can we? lol

my poem

so apryll gave me some random words to make a poem out of them so here goes nothing..

I love to eat bananas, while wearing my bandana.

you can find my heart at k-mart.

i love the look of rainbows, i am so lamo

I eat the food that comes out of my stove, that i choice.

I love my boot's, they've got the cutes.

I love my soft blanket, while i am wearing makeup.

I love flowers, they bring such power.

I love my big teddy bear, i really do care.

Cherry's look marry!

wow I'm so weird.
Did you like my poem?