Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So i have been playing tennis since i was 4! And doing this camp every summer since i was 8! But this is my last year! Happy its my last year but very sad at the same time! Hopefully in high school i'll get to play! :) Alll 3 of my close friends that did tennis the years with me aren't doing it my last year :( but i'll make new friends!

My Monday!

so on monday i had apryll over there were a lot of tears and laughs! Tears because we were in a fight and talking about some really hard things going on in our lives! Laughs because we got over our fight and just had a bunch of fun! :)
Then after that we walked to starbucks and got strawberrys and cream! YUM! haha! then from there we walked to my moms work she drove us home we had a steak dinner.
Then we dropped apryll of at her house and we got to see her dog lady's puppys!!! THEY WERE SOOOOOO CUTE! <3 i just wanted to take them home! xoxoxoxoxo