Thursday, March 25, 2010


so its been very sad i haven't been doing my poems i always write :(
but michelle reminded me she missed them.
so i decided to do one on the spot.
and here ya go...
wait one more day.
its all gonna be ok.
look into my eyes.
tell me that you love me.
stay by my side.
the longer you wait.
the closer we get.
the faster you move.
the farther i run.
so stay close.
don't run.
stand by me.
and ill be your only one.


Deuteronomy 31:6: Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.

"Because of the Creators "master hand", we are enabled with the ability to face danger, fear, pain, and trials in the obstacles of life. So many people are entitled courageous, for the lives that they lived bravely without fear. Being courageous is the opposite of fear; it is standing in the way of our doubts and worries. Graciously, God gave us courage to withstand these hardships; because of this we are becoming more like him with every step. Courage teaches us to be more like Christ, who endured the pain of this world, and died on the cross for us. Jesus was the most couragous. As you can see, without difficulty courage could not exist, but with hardship it can flourish."

Michelle shared this with me... and the verse is exactly what i wanted to hear.
Michelle wrote that part below the verse.
God so used her to share this with me.
Like im speechless, this is exactly what i needed to hear.
thanks michelle.
wow theres no words for this.