Wednesday, December 2, 2009

a friendship meant to last :)

ok so apryll did the sweetest blog post i have ever seen in my was about us being besties and 10 random facts about us. so i am gonna do some more random facts

1. so apryll and i always fighting about something (because were secretly sisters i think) lol..... but its always about the littlest things....thats how well we know each when she shows off or when she hits me....or when i change my mind 24/7 she hates when i say the little comments... lol! but we always put away those little things and hang tight no matter what.

2. i can't even explain how much we've been through for friends. i mean i can't describe it....through all the fights and drama....and crazyness in our lives.... we have managed to stay closer then ever.

3. the best time of the year with apryll is summer.... we usually sleep over together every night...and go to the beach all the time...its the best <3 i miss it so much.

4. i don't think i've cried in front of any other friend except apryll...i mean thats saying a lot (cause i am always crying) but i have cried A LOT in front of her.... she is so used to it by now she just laughs when im balling on a!

5. apryll and i are so opposite but at the same time we are like the same people. she is tough...i break easily....she doesnt cry at all....i cry 24/7...she cares for perfection in dance...yet i dont....i care about perfection in singing and yet she doesnt.... its kinda insane how different we are...and yet we still are super duper close

6. I have never had a friend like apryll.... i have never been so close to a friend in my life. i mean at the end of the day i know she'll be the one friend that will never ditch me or hurt me.

7. we always seem to do the weirdest things around each other....we have tea partys.... (were such little kids) we dress up... we put on shows and fashion shows.... we make up random songs and dances.... we have SO MANY inside jokes (its insane) such as.... push man.... chin saying..... our laughs (pig and duck) lol....the list goes on!

8. i hate how she plays soccer 24/7...she hates how i am always doing something....

9. apryll and i prob look the most different out of any best friends... except for our eyes.... but omg we look opposite its kinda funny! i mean shes tall.... blond thick hair....brown thin hair.... i get pimples none stop.... she never gets any kind of pimple....she has braces...i have never had them.... she loves to play soccer...i like to sing.... i learn lyrics like in 2 seconds...she takes forever.... <3

10. matter of a fact we will be friends matter what. i love my lil piggy<333

oh and she also hates when i text none stop lol! :P (what can i say so many ppl text me jk jk ;)

<333 love u apryll ann miller <333