Tuesday, May 11, 2010


"if you gotta start somewhere
why not here?

if u gotta start sometime
why not now?

if we gotta start somewhere
i say here.

if we gotta start sometime
i say now."

TONIGHTS THE NIGHT, get off your butt and start living your life to the fullest. cause from what i've learned these past 3 year in jr.high is that time FLYS!!! so why did i spend most of my jr.high time doing things i regret?? so stop it jennalee, and all of you who are reading this who need to change some stuff. Jr.high has absolutely been AMAZING, and ill carry the friendships ive made in it for my whole life. and the memories that came along with jr.high are simply unforgetable. Jr.high is going to be done in about 3 weeks a little more...and that really freaks me out that time flew that fast. so stop what ur doing get off your butt, and rejoice God while u got time to:))

I am thankful for friends who share the same passions as me, today i auditioned for graduation singing with jenifer, and dancing the everything skit with my 8th grade performance choir. and they absolutely inspire me, to just be around people who share the same passions as me is super encouraging..thanks God for putting people in my life that share my same dreams and passions:)