Tuesday, May 18, 2010

some of my favorite stuff written by me

Hope your happy!

I had to go
I had to leave
Must you drag me back down?
Must you say you hate me?
I had no choice, I had to go.
I had to go
I wish things were different
But this is all your fault
You said you loved me
You said you cared
But in your actions showed you never were truly there
You said a kiss would seal our love
You said that me moving forward would make things better
Little did I know you never cared
You never were there
Numb from the pain
You did this
You happy?
You proud for hurting me?
Sit there in your sorrow
And understand you lost me

You taught me

You taught me how to cry
You taught me pain
But yet you taught me memories
You taught me how to feel love
You taught me love
You let me in
And I became one with you
Like a baby bird all on her own
You picked me up and never let me go
You taught me joy
You taught me compassion
You taught me how to fly even if I was young
You made me, me.

The one

At first sight my heart jumped
Jumped with not only joy
But jumped with adore
Jumped leaped across my body
At first sight I knew you were the one
The one to show me how to be free from emptiness
You were the one who took me in, when no one cared
The one who said don’t give up babe, I’ve got you my dear
You’re the one who took my hands and held them so tight I never felt alone
Who gave me that kiss, the touch on my lips
The whisper of your kiss shown all over my exspression
The talking for hours
You made me whole
You made me understand who I truly was.

Abortion..what they can’t say but want to

Jenny was her name sweet sweet Jenny in her moms tummy
Crying out saying LOVE ME MOM, SHOW ME YOU CARE.
She was screaming yelling inside that stomach, reaching for something she couldn’t hold
The pain she felt that no one would ever know.
She was a person.
She wanted to become a doctor
She wanted to grow up and find love just like all of us
Desparately she called to her mom saying NO NO, Don’t let me go.
If only we knew her pain, if only we felt her name.
The tears she cried, feeling so alone.

Her mom went to the clinic that day to abort her…
Jenny was then killed by a cruel and painful experience.
She wanted to badly to grow up, and show herself to the world.
She went to the Lord that day.
When she awoke from that nightmare and saw Jesus…all she could say is
And Jesus held onto his creation.
Like a mom would hold her new born baby.
Jenny was you and me.
Imagine you being killed without a voice to make heard.
Without a name to be shown.
Don’t let these kids go, they need you.
They need to be given the gift of life, just like we were.
It’s not fair.

in this silence i believe...in this stare of eternity i believe..in this silence i am free..in this stare of eternity i am free...let me take ur hand, and we'll soar. we'll fly above all. so jump into my heart, take a leap of faith, come to me. you got me hooked now, and there's no return. in this world i am free to be me... your mine, I'm yours. what more could i ask for? in this silence i am definitely free. so catch me before i faint, leap with me across lands. take me in and hold me. never let go, never let me go. and let me know. let me know who you are.
-written by me<3

ohhh ohhh daisy's and roses dripping down my face like a soft whisper in my ear...to hear your embrace..to see your face. you make me laugh, you make me cry..you make me wonder why? you make my dreams come to reality,,to only escape with you, into a deep dare full depth blue sea..waves of love to crash upon my breathing face..to embrace me with your touch. i feel you in every step i take, in every breath i make...i feel you. deeper, deeper we go and we go..we go with each other. deeper and deeper.
ohhh ohhh to only see your face makes my day..it makes my day..my day.
-written by me:)

There's so much beauty in life, I don't know how God came up with all of it. It can be the biggest thing... to a building way up in the sky, to a couple holding hands in the snow. equally beautiful! It can be a mountain soaring over everything, to an apple looking as ripe and red as ever. God has the most brilliant mind ever. He created humans, to the complexity of our body's to our complexity of emotions flowing through our veins. What a God, who created all this amazing stuff. The waves in an ocean how they crash against the sand, to a baby taking it's first steps. What beautiful things God has put in our lives. Thank you Lord for being the most amazing inspiring person in my life. Without you i would have no reason to live.
Just like how You shined Your light into my life, I will share that light with the world.

as you enter my heart, i enter yours. as you look me in the eyes, i look into yours. as you walk by my side, i walk by yours. as you trust me, i trust you. as i see the beauty in you, you see the beauty in me. you complete me, i complete you. you laugh, i laugh. you cry, i cry. you whisper in my ear, i whisper back in yours. you sing me a song, i sing you one. you stare, i stare back.
you breath, i breath, we breath. you hug, i hug, we hug. you smile, i smile, we smile. i run, you follow. you run, i go after you. you hurt, i hurt, we hurt.
can't you see it's meant to be?
please stay by me, cause i'll stay by you, we'll stay by each other!

Your like a soft voice in a song...so powerful to me, and always on my mind. You add to my sing. People may think your not an important part to the song, and yet your one of the most important parts. Your the sweetest softest loveliest songs i have ever heard. My song has now become yours. We are now 1 song.... we'll never separate, we're molded together. In a sweet innocent song

every tear drop i make its all for you..its all for your sake. deep down i know im invisible to you, but i keep on wishing my dreams will come true. cause i know if you ever felt that way my derams would be fullfilled til the end of my days. ever since i saw your face i just cant live without it..and ever since you looked into my eyes... i cant believe this isnt reality....all my hopes and dreams gone in a flash...and i cant believe that this isnt real to you...and i cant believe ive been livin in a dream..cause all i ever wanted is to be loved by you...but i guess i just guess some fairy tales dont come true..so i guess ill hold onto this feeling i have for you..i know in end that dreams cant come true..ive searching for a guy like you my whole life, but you just dont see me standing by your side...the dreams ive had about u and me seemed to real i guess its time to face reality..and show u how i feel, and the pain inside im having the rejection of your name..its all cause im stupid, cause im stupid to play this game. cause i cant forget you i just cant move on this fast...your apart of who i am, your apart what i am. so dreams sometimes come true, but i guess this one doesn't. your all i wanted, but now your only a dream.
-written by me♥

your so amazing, every word you say i cant forget. and your so unforgetbale, every step you take i wanaa follow..when your sitting there across the room looking down at your feet, all i can do is think of you..all i can do is wonder about you. when the end rolls to an end when my fears have all left my head, im in love with you. IM IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! so take me now, before i forget how love you..take me now before you break me down...take me now before i leave this world. cause all i can do, is think about you. ♥
-written by me:)

you know when you hug me i get the chills.
and when you look me in the eyes i start to dance.
when you brush against me, the wind of air hits me like love at its best.
when the moon shines on your eyes.
when you tell me im the only one.
whispered in my ear a secret.
touched me on the hand and i flinched.
got all the chills i could have.
cause your right by me.
standing near, oh darlin.
you take my breathe away.

I am thankful for writing,,,how u can exspress yourself on a simple peice of writing.