Saturday, August 22, 2009

cupcake and roof roof!

so my mommy and sister went to shop today and in the car we were all laughing about my weird sayings i say a lot like "for crying out loud" and "oh my lanta" and my mom hates it when i say freakin but i say it all the time... haha (THANKS APRYLL) haha!!!! but anyways my mom sis and i were like talking and stuff and i was like "mom you need to make nicknames for courtney and i!" so my mom randomly said snickers for me but i kinda liked that but she kept thinking and she was like cupcake.... so my mommy calls me cupcake now!!! i love it!! she said she calls me that cause i am as sweet as a cupcake!! awww <3

then my sisters was snicker doodle... but she hated that so randomly i was like roof roof out of no were.... LOL haha so courtney is now called roof roof haha!!!

isn't that cute???

cupcake, and roof roof!!! :P

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